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Nature2 Purifier FAQ
Nature2 Purifier FAQ
What is Nature2?
Nature2 by Zodiac, is a supplemental mineral purifier that consists of a 6-month cartridge that zaps bacteria and contaminants to reduce your chlorine needs by 50%, while improving water clarity and sparkle. Nature2 purifiers allow you to use less chlorine, and achieve a more natural pool.
...the #1 Chlorine Alternative according to an independent pool industry survey.
...installed in over 500,000 pools in the U.S.
...carried by more than 5,000 pool dealers nationwide, and growing.
...endorsed by the 3 largest pool builders.
...breakthrough technology protected by 17 worldwide patents and 20 patents pending.
How does Nature2 work?
The purifier precisely directs water flow through a six-month, replaceable cartridge. Inside, a non-electrical reaction "activates" oxygen by breaking the molecule into its nascent atoms, atomic oxygen - one of Earth's most powerful sanitizers, to kill bacteria, viruses and algae. As if that weren't enough, the Purifier also releases trace amounts of natural, algaestatic and bactericidal minerals into the pool to help prevent bacteria and algae growth. This is known as Cationic Sanitation.
After installation, will pool maintenance change?
The most noticeable difference will be the dramatic reduction in chlorine used to keep the water healthy. You may also enjoy more time for yourself with less chemical maintenance, application and adjustments. The largest benefit to you will surely be the visual clarity and sparkle of the water. The water quality improves, but with fewer chlorine tablets, and less chemical odor. Nature2 treated water exceeds EPA drinking water standards, so if you choose to drink, it will taste like a mountain stream (although we don’t advise drinking your pool water). Nature2 won’t reduce pool maintenance by much really; the pool will just need less chlorine and algaecide, but your friends will comment on how great the water looks.
Is Nature2 compatible with other products?
Nature2 is compatible with every type of chemical treatment program available except - Biguanide products (Baquacil or Soft Swim) and one should avoid copper based algaecides. It works well with ozone systems and UV systems for pools that want to be essentially chlorine free, or for pools using Bromine. In spas and hot tubs, Nature2 plays nice with ozone, or with low levels of chlorine or bromine, or can be used with just non-chlorine shock.
Can I use Nature2 in a fish pond or natural pool?
Nature2 can also be used for fountains, memorials or water features as a natural way to control algae and bacteria, but is not suited for fish ponds or natural pools because of the need for shocking to activate the cartridge.
Is Nature2 a filter?
No. A filter is designed to remove large particles and debris, while Nature2 disinfects pool water by killing 99% of bacteria, algae and viruses, which are too small to be caught by a filter. Nature2 is not a filter, but a purifier, designed as a supplemental sanitizer to complement a low-chlorine treatment.
What types of Nature2 purifiers are there?
Nature 2 purifiers have gone through many versions over the years, and were sold under many different brands over the years. We still have Nature2 cartridges to fit the old purifiers, but nowadays, the product line for new Nature2 Purifiers is more streamlined. Nature2 Fusion and Fusion Soft are the flagship Nature2 purifiers, using the DuoClear cartridge and designed with a separate chamber for chlorine tablets or for the salt cell (Fusion Soft). Nature2 Express is the largest seller, and more affordable, for pools up to 25,000 gallons, although you could install more than one. Nature2 CF (Cartridge Filter) is a slim cartridge that fits inside of pool filter cartridges with a hole size of at least 4”, no purifier unit needed.
How is Nature2 Installed
Nature 2 purifiers are simple to install. The Nature2 express requires only a power drill, they even include the drill bit, and kits are available for inground or aboveground pools. Drill a single hole into the return pipe, attach the saddle clamp and gasket, then screw on the housing and cartridge. Nature2 Express installation takes just 5 minutes, if you don’t count balancing the pool chemistry and shocking the pool, also required of every new cartridge installation. Nature2 Fusion systems require slightly more plumbing, and about 12” of pipe clearance, near the ground to connect the purifier unit. Fusion soft systems also need an outlet to power the salt cell. Finally, the Nature2 CF and Nature2 Spa need no installation, these all fit inside of pleated pool and spa cartridge filters. Just drop it in, and seal up the filter tank.
When do I replace the cartridge?
The Nature2 cartridge is designed to provide up to 6 months of continuous water purification, depending on the model. Each model comes with a reminder system which tells you when to replace it. For most people, it’s one cartridge per season. Mineral Spa cartridges (for hot tubs) are smaller, designed to last only 4 months.
How do I dispose of used cartridges?
The minerals inside of the cartridge are natural, so it is completely safe for disposal with other household trash, or recycling. In the unlikely event that the cartridge shatters or cracks, small plastic pellets may be released, these are harmless.
Can I reuse a cartridge?
No, once the cartridge dries out completely, it cannot be reactivated. If your system is down for an extended period of time, you can store the cartridge in a closed bucket of water for a few weeks. The 6-month nature2 cartridges will no longer provide enough mineral purification after 6 months of use, or 4 months for pools or spas that run the pump 24 hours per day.
What affects cartridge life?
Hot water, poor water balance, or a dirty pool does not affect the Nature2 cartridge. 24 hour a day pump operation will reduce its life to about four months. Allowing the cartridge to dry fully will deactivate the minerals inside and require replacement.
Do I still need to use chlorine?
As with any other supplemental purifier, you'll need to use a small amount of residual sanitizer. With Nature2, you can reduce your chlorine level to around 0.5 ppm. For most pools, this is 1-3 Tablets per week, and you’ll also need to maintain a low level of cyanuric acid, 20-50 ppm, to protect the chlorine from the sun. To keep your chlorine working at optimum level, keep the pool pH below 7.5.
How often should shock be used?
Because of the efficiency of Nature2, super-oxidation is needed much less often, with non-chlorine shock, if desired. Nature2 does require a good pool shock, when activating the cartridge, and for pools with high bather loads, or detectable presence of chloramines, algae or bacteria, a good shocking is recommended. For the average residential pool however, shocking can be reduced to every 6-8 weeks, when using Nature2.
Are minerals safe in a pool?
The minerals in Nature2 are completely safe for your swimmers. In fact, they are lower than the EPA limit for drinking water. Water treated by Nature2 actually exceeds EPA drinking water standards with respect to bacteria, silver and copper, so your pool water may actually be cleaner than the water you drink. The low level of minerals in Nature2 are also safe in ponds and fountains.
Can Nature2 stain pool surfaces?
No. Minerals released by Nature2 to provide residual cleaning remain well below levels that might cause staining. In fact, Nature2 offers the pool industry's only "no-stain" warranty. Electronic or solar ionizers can stain pool surfaces, as can overuse of copper algaecide, but Nature2 purifiers will not stain the pool, even if the cartridge were to burst open and spill its contents in the pool (which never happens) there would be no stains.
Is Nature2 an "ionizer"?
No. Ionizers use electricity to discharge copper (or metal alloy) ions into pool water. The Power Ionizer, Solar Clear and Floatron are types of power ionizers that release mineral ions into the water. Conversely, Nature2's non-electrical ceramic & mineral cartridge converts oxygen to nascent atomic sanitizers, in addition to releasing micro-doses of eroded copper and silver ions, to control bacteria and algae. No power hook-ups, simple installation, and no possibility of staining.
Click here to visit the Nature2 website.