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Pool Liner Measuring Help
The replacement liner installer and liner manufacturer share common goals in providing liners that conform to safety guidelines, that look good, and last a long time. Safety concerns are dealt with separately. In the following pages we will attempt to throw some light on how to measure for liners. Accuracy is the key. Precise measurements are a must. Assumptions have no place in this endeavor. DO NOT attempt to make allowances for stretch or shrinkage no matter what the season. That is the manufacturers job.
Things to Watch For
If you have the manufacturers specifications, do not take these as necessarily being the correct dig dimensions for the pool. Often installers will change these dimensions before or during the dig.
A dished out or "bowl" shaped hopper. If there are no break lines, you should measure the depth, wall height, and true lengths along the bottom of the pool for the length and width of the hopper. Also, any other dimensions you can supply are always helpful, i.e., depths at given intervals, descriptions, etc.
Finished wall height varies. If it does, by an inch or more, especially in the shallow end, make note of it if it cannot be leveled.
Be sure to check the shallow end depth at the end wall and at the transition break line. Often the shallow end will have a slight slope to it.
Check the slope of the walls, especially on rectangles. Measure width and length of the pool at the top and bottom of the wall. If the difference at the top and bottom is more than 4 inches, let us know.
The shallow end may have a cove at the base of the wall. If so, indicate height of the cove and distance into the floor. Give the wall height to the top of the cove AND the shallow end depth to the floor.
If there is a safety ledge, give the slope measurements to the edge of the ledge. Again, do not assume, measure all ledges.