Above Ground Pool Liner Types


Types of Above Ground Pool Liners

Some liners are what we call overlap. This type is the most common and simply folds over the corrugated metal wall and drapes down on the outside of the wall. The liner is held in place by liner coping strips. You may wish to replace these if your old ones are brittle and dry.

Beaded liners have a thick-formed extrusion at the top that hooks into a female receptor around the top of the pool wall on the waterside. Some brands of pools use a special bead that we can make for you as a special. Most pools can utilize the standard bead that is common in the industry. Call us if you feel you need more assistance. If you want, mail us a small piece of this bead and we can tell you instantly what you need. Better to be safe than sorry. Incidentally, you can change your overlap liner to accept a beaded liner by simply adding liner conversion strips to your order. This way, if you need to change the liner in the future, you do not have to remove the top seats of the pool. This is a real time saver and is much easier to reinstall.

J-Hook-V-Bead are liner types that have a thicker open flap top that inserts over the corrugated metal wall. It looks likes the plastic coping we use to hold an overlap liner over the metal wall except that, in this case, it is attached to the top of the liner. If you are using an overlap liner and your pool is a flat-bottom, you can use the V-Hook or the J-Hook type liner.

Looking for a great-fitting beaded Liner that's easier to install? Shop our new Unibead above ground pool liners - they work equally well with both J-Hook (V-Bead) and Hung-Bead liner styles!

Note: This information is intended to answer many questions you may have regarding the type and size liner you may need. SPP cannot be held responsible if you purchase the wrong size, shape, depth, or type liner. The best way to make sure you are getting the right liner is to talk to us at our toll-free # 1-800-288-7946. We're happy to help!

Beaded and Overlap Pool Liners for Above Ground Pools

Beaded and overlap swimming pool liners for above ground pools form the inner shell that will contain the pool's water. Yet, while above ground pool liners are highly functional in nature, they can also add style to your pool and backyard. As a result, there are several considerations that should be taken into account when purchasing a new or replacement liner for your swimming pool. While the quality of the liner you choose will have a direct bearing on its durability, pool liners can also complement or even establish a decor theme for your outdoor area. Following the steps set out below will help you to choose an above ground swimming pool liner that will accommodate the requirements of your particular pool while also catering to your personal preferences with regards to style, durability and price.

Beaded Liners vs. Overlap Liners

When purchasing a swimming pool liner for your above ground pool, the first step is to determine whether you need a beaded liner or an overlap liner. The difference between these two types of liners has to do with how they are installed. Beaded pool liners feature a small groove that runs along the top edge or lip of the liner's top edge. During installation, that groove will snap into a track, also known as a bead receiver, along the top inside edge of the pool wall. To determine whether or not your above ground swimming pool is designed to accommodate a beaded pool liner, check under the top rail located on the inside of the pool. If your pool is meant to accommodate a beaded liner, the bead receiver will be visible.

In contrast to beaded liners, overlap above ground pool liners are installed by removing the swimming pool's top rail and folding or draping the liner over the walls. Plastic clips are used to secure the liner before the top rail is replaced. Any excess fabric hanging down on the outside of the pool walls following installation can simply be trimmed away with scissors. When checking under the top rail of your above ground pool, you will be able to see some of the liner on the outside of the pool if it is designed to accommodate an overlap liner.

Size and Shape

Once you know whether you should be purchasing a beaded or overlap liner, the next factors to consider are size and shape, as a proper fit will be important. Most retailers of swimming pool supplies offer above ground pool liners for round and oval pools in a variety of standard sizes. If you do not know the size of liner your pool requires, check the specifications in the instructions or other materials that came with the pool when you purchased it. Otherwise, you can use a measuring tape to carefully determine the measurements on your own.

Quality and Price

While the size and type of liner you require will be pre-determined by the specifications of your pool, quality and price are considerations which provide you with more options. Not surprisingly, higher-quality above ground pool liners will typically cost more than lower quality liners. However, it is still possible to find good quality beaded and overlap liners for good value. When considering quality, you will be comparing the grade or thickness of various liners. The thicker the liner, the higher its grade and the greater its durability. While it is generally prudent to invest in a thicker and more durable liner that will withstand many seasons of wear and tear, every pool owner needs to choose a liner according to both their needs and budget. Fortunately, there are many options available for pool owners to choose from.

Style and Color

Once all of the more practical decisions have been made regarding type, size and quality, it will be time to move on to the fun step of choosing the design and color of your above ground pool liner. Typically, brand new above ground swimming pools will come with a standard solid blue liner. However, when purchasing a replacement liner, you will have a multitude of different choices to consider. Examples of available designs and patterns include a Caribbean pattern featuring colorful fish and coral and a Rock Island pattern featuring gray-blue and sand-colored rocks and shells. Other available liners feature a blue swirl pattern on the floor with either solid blue, simulated tile or simulated boulder walls.

While choosing the color and design of your above ground swimming pool liner will depend primarily on your personal preferences, it's also a good idea to consider your yard's existing decor theme. Your pool and its liner can create a stylish centerpiece for your outdoor living area and can also complement existing color and design themes. However, no matter what type of pattern or color you ultimately choose, a new beaded or overlap swimming pool liner can enhance both the function and appearance of your above ground pool.

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