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Maintaining a Pool With Broken or Damaged Equipment

Maintaining a clean and clear pool is essential for every pool owner. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances like freezing temperatures, power outages, or equipment failure can leave you with damaged pool equipment. When your pool pump or filter is broken, it can seem like a daunting task to keep your pool water in optimal condition. But fear not! In this article, we provide you with expert tips and tricks on how to maintain your pool even with damaged equipment.

A few of the tips for maintaining a pool with damaged equipment explained in this article include:

remove debris to keep pool clean when dealing with damaged equipment

Remove debris

add sanitizer to keep pool clean

Add sanitizer

circulate the water if you have damaged pool equipment

Circulate the water

1. Remove Debris

The first step in maintaining your pool with damaged equipment is to remove any debris that may have accumulated. Whether it's leaves, twigs, or other organic matter, debris can quickly cause staining and surface damage to your pool. Use a skimmer net, robotic pool cleaner, and/or a leaf net to remove the worst of it. If you're dealing with a post-storm cleanup, you may have a significant amount of debris to handle. Be thorough in your cleaning efforts to prevent further complications.

2. Add Sanitizer

Maintaining proper sanitation levels in your pool is crucial for keeping it safe and hygienic. But without a functioning pump, distributing chlorine throughout the pool can be challenging. Thankfully, this is where fast-dissolving chlorine comes in handy! First, test the sanitizer levels in your pool and aim to maintain at least 3.0–4.0 ppm of Free Available Chlorine. Use In The Swim's Instant Liquid Chlorine or Granular Dichlor Chlorine to quickly raise the sanitizer level. These chlorine options will help keep your pool water clean and clear while dealing with damaged pool equipment.

3. Prevent Algae Growth

If you have damaged pool equipment, the risk of algae developing in your pool rises drastically, especially during the warm summer months. Without proper circulation, stagnant water becomes an ideal breeding ground for algae. The best way to prevent algae is to stay ahead of it. Adding an algaecide to your pool water can help inhibit algae growth. This non-staining algaecide is ideal for situations where your pool pump is not functioning.

4. Circulate and Agitate the Water

Circulation is a vital component of maintaining a healthy pool. While a functioning pump is the primary means of circulating water, there are alternate methods you can employ when it's not available. If you still have power, consider using a robotic pool cleaner. These cleaners effectively circulate the water as they move around the pool, preventing algae growth and maintaining water clarity. Additionally, the onboard filters of robotic cleaners can help maintain water quality until your damaged pool equipment is operational again.

If you're stuck in a power outage, grab your pool brush and thoroughly scrub all pool surfaces. Doing so not only prevents staining and algae growth, but also agitates the water, aiding in circulation. Additionally, you can use a battery-powered or robotic pool cleaner or leaf net to keep the water moving, even during a power outage.

5. Seek Professional Help

While the above tips can help you maintain your pool with damaged equipment, it's essential to remember that they are temporary solutions. To ensure the long-term health and functionality of your pool, it's best to seek professional help. Contact a reputable pool maintenance company to evaluate the problem and recommend the proper remedy. Their expertise will ensure your damaged pool equipment dilemma is resolved as quickly as possible!

Maintaining your pool with damaged equipment may seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it's entirely manageable. By removing debris, sanitizing the water, preventing algae growth, and promoting circulation, you can keep your pool clean and clear until your equipment is repaired or replaced. Remember, professional help is always available to address any underlying issues and provide expert guidance.

In The Swim makes every effort to provide accurate recommendations based upon current ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 (R2022) standards, but codes and regulations change, and In The Swim assumes no liability for any omissions or errors in this article or the outcome of any project. You must always exercise reasonable caution, carefully read the label on all products, follow all product directions, follow any current codes and regulations that may apply, and consult with a licensed professional if in doubt about any procedures. In The Swim assumes no legal responsibility for your reliance or interpretation of the data contained herein, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety, or suitability of the information, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.