Small Pool Water Features

Small Water Feature by - image used with permission
Image Courtesy of Shepard Butler Landscape Associates

Pool Water Features is the catch-all phrase to cover any type of splashing, spraying, shooting water display that you can add to your pool plumbing.

From a spouting statuary in the corner of the pool, to stacked rocks releasing a babbling brook, they take on many forms.

Today's photo blog is centered around small pool water feature ideas. The only limitation is your imagination (and your budget)!

Copper-finish Pedestal Fountains spill over into the pool for a soft splashy sound. Pedestal water features come in a variety of size, shapes and materials.

Bobe Water & Fire Bowl shown
Image Credit: Bobe Fire & Water Features

Sheer Descent® Waterfall placed inside of a simple faux stacked rock wall, backed by bamboo and Buddha, to qualify as a tranquil, 'zen pool'.

Sheer Descent Waterfall by Jandy
Image Credit: Jandy Pool Products

Chipped Slate Water Wall built into a low retaining wall. Fed by a 2" PVC pipe that separates into smaller branches to fill a small overflow trough, more or less evenly.

Chipped Slate pool water wall, design by Mike Farley, Pool by Claffey Pools - image use by permission
Image Credit: Farley Pool Designs

Rain Curtain Water Features are pretty special, and can be attached to any structure like a Pergola, or more elaborate arches, or where a patio roof overhangs the pool surface.

Bobe fire and water Rainfall Feature
Image Credit: Bobe Fire and Water

A Cascade Feature uses large flat rocks to create a tumbling river into the pool. A rubber membrane and lots of mortar is used to keep it leak-free.

image of pool with cascade water feature
Image by Tim Abramowitz via istockphoto

This minimal wall scupper is barely there and can be turned on/off automatically with valve actuators, powered by a pool controller, and remote control.

Tiled pool with raised wall, raise floor, long steps and scupper water fall feature. Build by Bonick Landscaping, image used with permission
Design/Build: Bonick Landscaping - Irving, Tx, Image: Brian Rodgers

Wall Spouts are a classic design, with floral designs or Lion's heads being popular, or in this case, simple copper scuppers. Raised walls also serve as retaining walls, for an upper deck area or planter area.

image of wall scuppers by Bobe Fire & Water
Image Credit: Bobe Fire and Water

Deck Jets are a favorite for many pool builders. Small jets are placed in the deck to shoot a very accurate stream of water, which can also be colored with LED lights.

small-pool-water-fountains - albatross pools, australia
Image Credit: Albatross Pools - Victoria, Australia

Adding small water features to your pool can be done as part of a renovation, or smaller spouts or fountains can be added anytime.

Pool Fountain Installation? Very small fountains or spouts can be tapped off of an existing pool return pipe, with a Tee fitting and a small valve. Larger fountains typically have their own dedicated pipe running from the equipment pad. Features with even greater water volumes are connected to a booster pump to supply it's own water, without affecting filtration or circulation.

Contact us for help with your own DIY small pool water feature, or if you prefer to keep your hands clean - contact your local APSP pool professional for their ideas and pricing for the job.

In The Swim makes every effort to provide accurate recommendations based upon current ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 (R2022) standards, but codes and regulations change, and In The Swim assumes no liability for any omissions or errors in this article or the outcome of any project. You must always exercise reasonable caution, carefully read the label on all products, follow all product directions, follow any current codes and regulations that may apply, and consult with a licensed professional if in doubt about any procedures. In The Swim assumes no legal responsibility for your reliance or interpretation of the data contained herein, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety, or suitability of the information, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.