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Hayward Pool Pump Troubleshooting
Known for being reliable and durable, Hayward pool pumps have always been our leading line of pumps. Hayward pumps come in a variety of horsepowers, voltages and speeds. But just like any sort of equipment, even the most well-made products sometimes need repairs. Typically, any dilemmas with your Hayward pool pump are likely related to either electrical or plumbing situations.
Don't let pool pump problems drive you crazy! With the information explained in this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, you can diagnose and repair your Hayward single speed or variable speed pool pump with ease!
Hayward Pool Pump Electrical Problems

Pump Won't Turn On
A pump that simply won't start is a frustrating problem. If you get no response from your Hayward pool pump when you flip the switch, first verify the terminal board connections match the wiring diagram on the motor data plate label. Likewise, check if the motor is wired correctly for the available field supply voltage. If that doesn't solve the problem, then work through the steps below.
- Check all connections, circuit breakers, and fuses. Repair or replace any tripped breakers or blown fuses.
- Inspect the motor shaft for any obstructions. Remove the pump and basket, then look for and remove any debris in the shaft.
Humming Motor: If the pump motor makes a humming sound when starting up, you likely have a clogged impeller. To remedy this, simply open up your pump, and clean out any rubbish.
Pump Shuts Off
Damaged or inadequate wiring, resulting in a power drop, are likely to blame for your Hayward pool pump shutting off. Fixing this issue can be tricky, so we suggest you get the help of a certified professional.
Pump is Smoking or Sparking
Holy smokes! Improper voltage wiring is the usual culprit for smoking pump motors. Check the motor diagram for the voltage wiring diagram. Another reason for a smoking pump is an incorrectly installed shaft seal, or blown capacitor.
Loose wire connections or touching terminal connections cause sparking. Fix this problem simply by tightening or adjusting the wires and connections in the motor. Sparking can also come directly from a short in the windings of the motor. This usually means the motor needs to be replaced.
Tripped Breaker
A jammed impeller or blown capacitor can lead to a tripped breaker. Examine your pump's impeller for any obstructions, and replace the capacitor if necessary. In some instances, it could just be a bad breaker. If you suspect your breaker has broken, call a certified electrician to further diagnose the problem.
Hayward Pool Pump Plumbing Problems

Water Leak
A bad shaft seal or loose pipe is likely the cause of your leaky pump. Leaks can also come from loose drain plugs, or loose bolts on the seal plate, connecting the motor to the pump.
If the water is running down between the pump and motor, determine if it's dripping out of the plumbing fitting on top or the shaft seal on the bottom.
Priming Problems
There can be multiple reasons for a pool pump not priming correctly. Initially, look into the pump/strainer housing. Flush out the housing to clear debris, then refill with water. Additionally, ensure all o-rings, valves, and gaskets are lubricated and situated in the right positions.
Air leaks are another source of priming issues. Inspect the pipe/union connections on the suction side for loose connections or damaged pipes. Double check that connections are snug and fitted properly. If the problem continues after fixing the problems above, you may have a clog in the suction side of your pump. Contact a professional for further assistance.
Pump is Not Pumping Water
If your pool pump is not pumping water, check that all suction and return valves are open, and the pump lid is on tight, with the lid o-ring in place. Lubricating the lid o-ring regularly will help improve the seal. Check that the drain plugs are tightly inserted with Teflon tape, and that the pump basket is inserted in the proper way, and is sitting all the way down.
Low Water Flow
Before you purchase a new Hayward pool pump, it's important to verify that the pump is the right size for your pool piping. Incorrect sizing can cause multiple problems, including low water flow.
Additional causes for low water flow in your pump are debris build-up or dirty equipment. Inspect the following areas:
- Blocked strainer or suction line: If you suspect your strainer or suction line is blocked, contact a professional for assistance,
- Clogged impeller: Remove any debris from your impeller. If the impeller is damaged, replace it, and install a new seal assembly.
- Dirty pool filters: Clean out your pool filter if needed, and check that the valves are open all the way. If you have a sand or Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) filter, backwash according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Clogged baskets and canisters: Clean out your skimmer basket, pump basket and in-line leaf canister if they are clogged.
If you see air bubbles coming from the return fittings on the pump, there may be an air leak on the suction side. Inspect and tighten the suction and discharge connections using Teflon tape.
Noisy Pump Motor

It's concerning to suddenly hear strange sounds coming from your Hayward pool pump. To determine the cause of your noisy pump, investigate the following reasons:
- Foreign object: If you hear a rattling coming from your pump, it's likely due to a foreign object. Open your pump and remove any rocks or debris.
- Incorrect positioning: An incorrectly stationed pool pump will rattle and vibrate when in use. Make sure the area underneath your pump is level, and secure the pump to the equipment pad.
- Years of use: Chemical build-up over time can cause seal damage, letting chlorinated water seep into the bearings and erode the lubrication. Replace all bearings together and check seal integrity.
There's no need to feel overwhelmed if your Hayward pool pump isn't functioning correctly. This troubleshooting guide should give you all the tools and understanding you need to tackle any issue with your Hayward pool pump with confidence!