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Above Ground Pool Fence Installation

You know what they say about fences, that they make good neighbors. In the case of pool fencing, they also make safe neighbors.
Above ground pool fencing is a requirement in most areas, for pools deeper than 24".
Fortunately, Above ground pool fences are inexpensive and easy to install yourself, in a few hours.

As you can see in these images, above ground pool fences attach to the uprights of your pool. Each section of light weight resin fencing is 64-1/2" long, to fit nearly 99% of all aboveground pool wall panels.
Installing above ground pool fence requires only simple hand tools, which most people should have around the house.

The drill is needed to drill holes into your uprights, to mount the pool fence brackets. The saw may be needed to trim the fence at the end of your fence run, or to connect to a partial pool deck fence, or to your ladder or step section.
To find out how many fence panels you will need, count the number of uprights on your pool. These are the vertical posts, in between wall sections. Count them twice to be sure, then refer to this handy chart.

Aboveground resin pool fence is sold in 3 Kits, A, B & C. Depending on the how many uprights you have on your pool, different combinations of the 3 pool fence Kits will meet your needs.

1. Install all of the post mounting brackets to the vertical uprights of the pool. Mount them just below the the top rail connector caps, or as high on the upright as possible. Measure the holes before drilling, so that all of your fence posts are mounted at the same vertical height.

Don't overtighten the screws that hold the fence post brackets to the top rails - or they may strip, and lose their grip.
2. Assemble the fence post and push into the mounting brackets. The assembly is adjustable to accommodate different top rail widths. Set the distance for all, and tighten the set screw to secure the fence post into the mounting brackets.
3. Measure the distance between fence posts, and if necessary, cut the horizontal rails to fit inside of the fence post at a depth of 5/8". The soft and flexible resin material is easy to cut with any saw, but a fine toothed hacksaw may give the fastest cut, or you can use a power saw.

After carefully measuring the distance between mounting brackets, cut both top and bottom rails together, to the same measurement.

4. Assemble the fence panels, to your measurements. Install the vertical pickets into the top and bottom horizontal rails, until you have a complete fence section to install. Measure, cut and assemble each fence section separately, as the measurements may vary between fence posts.
5. Mount the assembled fence section using the supplied screws, in between each fence post. Keep screws loose at first, so that you can adjust the angle of fence sections, if needed.

Use a plain old screwdriver to keep from driving the screws in too tightly, which a power drill can do fairly easily.
Do It Yourself above ground pool fence - for just a few hundred dollars, you can have a safer swimming pool, and come into compliance with new local laws requiring above ground pools to have a fence system.
These all-resin pool fence kits have a 5 year warranty, and new this year, are now in a Taupe color, (that's tan or beige, guys).

For more info, see our Vinyl Works Pool Fence Installation Manual, and If you have any questions on sizing, buying or installing our pool safety fence for above ground pools, give any of our associates a call - or, just leave a comment below!